The Filthy Rich Guide

The father of animated films has one mother of a fortune

'The House that Mickey built' got its start when this animator leveraged his life savings
'The House that Mickey built' got its start when this animator leveraged his life savings

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the ballsiest animator of them all? Why that would be the one and only Walt Disney, who went all in on his first feature-length animated film.

In 1934, he set out to make Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs with a budget of $250,000, or what would be roughly $4 million today.

Walt burnt through that cash quickly and the bank eventually shut down what Hollywood reporters were then calling "Disney's Folly."

Now, this wouldn't be a Disney tale if he quit there -- and Walt didn't! He doubled down, selling his car, mortgaging his house and borrowing money on his life insurance to get the film done.

See how Walt was able to find his happy ending to the tune of $185 million in the latest episode of The Filthy Rich Guide.

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