
These smart shorts help you find the perfect pair of jeans

These smart shorts help you find the perfect pair of jeans
These smart shorts help you find the perfect pair of jeans

Finding a pair of jeans that fit perfectly can be hard. LikeAGlove is trying to change that.

The Israeli start-up created a pair of smart shorts that use sensors to take exact measurements of your waist and hips. After the data is synced with the app, a catalog pops up with listings from 15 major retailers, with a rating between one and five stars for best fit.

The shorts can also be used to measure and track your fitness goals. As you input your measurements over time, the app keeps a log of how much your waist and hips are growing or shrinking.

The company said that 95 percent of customers are women. Men can only use the app to track measurements, not to order jeans.

LikeAGlove smart shorts cost $80 a pair and have a nonreplaceable battery that lasts up to five years.