Fortt Knox

From Papa John's to Uber: When CEO scandals go viral

Papa John's to Uber: When CEO scandals go viral
Papa John's to Uber: When CEO scandals go viral

From Papa John's to Uber, company CEOs are now under more scrutiny than ever before, particularly driven by technology. People now have the power and transparency to keep corporate leaders accountable in the social media era. 

So what should you do if your CEO screws up?

Jon Fortt sits down with a panel of experts to discuss the best way to handle these crises. 

Joining him are Kara Alaimo, reputation management expert and assistant professor at Hofstra; Mike Jackson, CEO at Event Solutions International; and Jillian Manus, general partner at Structure Capital. CNBC's Josh Lipton joins from Intel headquarters in Silicon Valley.

Fortt Knox is a weekly podcast from CNBC anchor Jon Fortt. Previous episodes of the program can be found here.