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Power Lunch

Power Rankings: MAX-imum impact, virus outbreak & the breakfast bull -- top moments from the week of Jan. 20

Here are the top 5 moments from Power Lunch this week:

1. Mystery Virus

The Coronavirus continued to spread, and each day the number of those infected rose.

Cases have appeared in China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, and even the United States.

While the World Health Organization has not yet deemed the virus an international emergency, the option still remains on the table.

One expert from Johns Hopkins Center for Health said that was a mistake, and if the virus becomes a pandemic it could kill 65 million people within 18 months.

WHO's choice to not declare public health emergency a mistake: Doctor
WHO's choice to not declare public health emergency a mistake: Doctor

2. MAX-imum Impact

It was another wild week for Boeing.

It started off bad.

The aerospace giant announced that it does not expect regulators to sign off on the 737 MAX until June or July.


Then we saw the impact Boeing had on its customers.

Southwest Airlines' profits fell 21% in the fourth-quarter as a result of the 737 MAX driving up costs.

Watch CNBC's full interview with Southwest CEO Gary Kelly on fourth-quarter earnings
Watch CNBC's full interview with Southwest CEO Gary Kelly

But one top analyst explained that the grounding could be good thing for airline investors.

Fewer planes means fewer seats to fill, and Barclays said the strained capacity could help yields.


Then, Boeing investors finally got some good news.

The FAA said that the MAX could return before the mid-year.


3. Tech on Deck

It's another big week of earnings ahead -- specifically for tech stocks.

Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft all set to report.

RBC's Mark Mahaney told us why Uber could be the "Facebook of 2020," and warned that expectations for Amazon could be too high.


4. Bernie Boom

Bernie Sanders surged in the polls this week.

The Vermont Senator saw his support in New Hampshire nearly double.

This came as a new study said that Sanders' wealth tax might not end up being as effective as he hoped.

The plan promised to raise $4.35 trillion over the next ten years, but the Wharton School of Finance found the the tax would actually raise $1 trillion to $1.5 trillion less than expected.


5. Breakfast Bull

This might be Power Lunch, but we talked a lot about breakfast.

Wendy's faces tough competition as it prepares to roll out breakfast nationwide.

But Barclays is bullish on the chain, saying one key factor could give Wendy's a leg up: it's all about location, location, location.

Why this analyst says Wendy's breakfast menu could work this time
Why this analyst says Wendy's breakfast menu could work this time

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