Cramer: What I learned about investing from the first millionaire I met as a kid

Jim Cramer at standing in front of the NYSE, June 30, 2022.
Virginia Sherwood | CNBC

When I was a little boy, my dad took me to work every Saturday. He always worked six days a week, selling boxes, bags and gift wrap to retailers in the Philadelphia area. I loved going with him. He didn't talk much on the drive in, just listened to call-in radio shows and then the opera, the Metropolitan Opera, brought to you by Texaco. I learned to admire the singing and the music, by default I guess, especially the Ring cycle by Richard Wagner. Pop was always busy taking inventory and answering. Still, those were wonderful days because I was oblivious to anything about the business, especially how poorly it was doing. I just liked being with my dad, being called Jamesy, and having him hold my hand.