CNBC Pro Talks: Dividends or growth stocks? Fund manager Ian Mortimer has strategies for both

Fund manager Ian Mortimer explained how he selects high-yielding companies and identifies growth stocks while avoiding the hype.

Both income-yielding shares and growth stocks are dominating headlines, as investors try to figure out how to play persistent market volatility.

Mortimer, of Guinness Global Investors, manages funds holding both types of shares. He joined Pro Talks with CNBC's Will Koulouris to discuss how he selects companies with rising dividends, as well as how he identifies growth stocks while avoiding "over-hyped companies."

From Mastercard and Microsoft to Cisco Systems and TSMC, he discussed his top holdings and where he's looking next.

Mortimer has more than 15 years of investing experience. He joined Guinness Global Investors in 2006 and manages the Guinness Global Equity Income Fund and the Guinness Global Innovators Fund.