The Crisis - One Year Later

  • Geithner Townhall meeting

    Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner offered a spirited defense of the government's efforts to forestall another Great Depression but cautioned that the recovery would be slow and painful.

  • In the past two years, powerful figures in both Washington and Wall Street became household names as the crisis deepened, markets and corporations struggled to survive and the federal government took drastic steps to save the economy. Whether they had a crucial hand in the crisis or were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time may not be clear for years. Now, one year after the roughest stretch for the U.S. economy since the Great Depression, these financial titans have either stepped out of

    A year after the roughest stretch for the U.S. economy since the Great Depression, these financial titans have either stepped out of the spotlight or come to the end of their careers.

  • ...and unique special report, CNBC uncovers the truth behind the crisis all the way back its roots in 2001, and how greed brought the global financial system to its knees.

