School is in Session: Create Free Online Classes with teachem's "The School of You"

NEW YORK, Oct. 2, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Teachem officially launched the School of You today giving anyone the ability to create unlimited classes from YouTube videos. Never before has such an easy to use teaching and learning platform been integrated so closely with YouTube videos. It is perfect for universities and other learning institutions, teachers, companies, and experts of any kind. Best of all, it's free.

The format is simple: First you create and brand your school, such as the School of Entrepreneurship. Next you create classes using YouTube's wealth of educational videos. Finally, you add an interactive layer on top of the videos with time-stamped flashcards and review questions. What makes this platform so ideal for any organization is that the user can specify who has access to the School of You. It can either be made private (invite only) or public (anyone can enroll).

Teachem is also a huge win for learners as it allows them to create any school of their interest and use YouTube's 700,000+ educational videos as their own classroom. Since teaching is the best form of learning, by creating teachem classes they will not only learn the information but actually retain it.

For more information please visit or its own school at .

About teachem
The team at teachem built its online platform based on 4 core beliefs. First off, they do not like waste. For them that means wasting amazing educational videos on YouTube that get lost in its abyss and are never organized into a classroom format. Second, they love organizing information. The simplest way to organize a video is to create time stamped flashcards that follow along with it. Third, they obviously love learning. They created teachem for themselves. They want to learn something new each and every day. The teachem platform allows them to do just that. Fourth, and finally, they love simplicity.

Teachem's parent company is FurtherEd which started as in 1999 and is currently the largest provider of online continuing legal education in the country. Last year it reached 1,000,000 courses viewed by close to 100,000 attorneys. From day one's mission was always more expansive than providing high quality courses to attorneys. It's focus was providing learning based products and services that lead to personal growth. This bigger mission is what led to FurtherEd and now to teachem.

SOURCE teachem