Lever1 Services Show Immediate Dividends for Clients

KANSAS CITY, Mo., Oct. 2, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Lever1, a Kansas City based Professional Employer Organization (PEO), has already signed five clients and provided a savings on their benefits in only their first quarter of business. Lever1 offers local sized businesses payroll and human resources outsourcing, as well as many other services, to allow clients to focus on their businesses' bottom line.

"Running a business is hard, time consuming work. Frequently businesses don't require a full time person on staff to handle payroll or human resources, so that burden falls on the owner. What we allow is for business owners to focus on what they do best while we focus on the paperwork necessary to do business," Lever1's President Erica Brune said.

In addition to removing the day to day busy work of operating a business, Lever1 also offers group benefits coverage to small businesses that normally would not be eligible. By using co-employment status, businesses are able to pool with all of Lever1's clients to take advantage of reduced large group rates.

"We have been thrilled with both the level of service we have received as well as the seamless transition between providers. Lever1 is constantly available to address any concerns we have and routinely anticipates potential issues. Coupling that with nearly 6% savings we have seen in our benefits package in just the first quarter alone, there isn't much more we could have asked for," President of Gragg Advertising, Darryl Mattox said.

Lever1 is constantly looking for opportunities to expand its offerings to match the needs of any new clientele, as well as finding more efficient ways to manage the services currently in place. Lever1 will soon be rolling out a new service that will allow clients to manage and track their benefits, payroll, and any other services remotely.

About Lever1

Lever1 is a Kansas City-based professional employer organization (PEO) providing a multitude of resources for small businesses across the country. Integrated services enable business owners to cost-effectively outsource the management of human resources, office management, payroll, accounting and public relations/marketing. Learn more by contacting ebrune@lever1.com.

Brian Van Note
Public Relations Specialist