Summer's Over, but Autumn is Still the Right Time for Unique Patio Furniture

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 2, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- The weather might be cooling down nationwide but that's no reason to hide from the outdoors for the entire next six months. Unique Patio Furniture is here to tell you that autumn is also a great time to hang out outdoors. Of course, if you are based in a Sun Belt state like California, then great patio dining sets and other items from Unique Patio Furniture will get plenty of usage all year long. Sure, the weather might get a mild snap in the air 'round about late October, but just try complaining about a chilly 65 degree night to a Midwesterner or an East Coast resident.

Indeed, out here in the West some of the best weather is still to come this season. If you're near Unique Patio Furniture's Orange County showroom in sunbaked Yorba Linda, California then you can stop in and take a look any day of the week. The store offers the very best in outdoor patio sections, wicker seating sets, dining sets, tables and ottomans. Other modern outdoor furniture items include stylish bar tables and bar stools, ideal for serving daiquiris by the pool when the Santa Ana winds blow during one of our frequent heat waves.

Of course, even if you live far away enough east that wicker patio furniture from Southern California anywhere near you seems like naught but a distant dream, autumn and even early winter is a time of great natural beauty in the Midwest and East Coast in particular. What's the point of hiding from the great natural beauty that the changing leaves bring with them each year? All you need is some great patio furniture – and possibly a sweater and your favorite warm beverage – to enjoy the beauty of autumnal foliage. Indeed, for just a bit of extra warmth when the weather turns cool, Unique Patio Furniture offers superb five piece dining sets complete with fire pits to keep you warm on a cool evening.

Of course, the sun does occasionally come out in the cooler months the world over. No matter where you are, patio furniture sets with shielding umbrellas can make you more comfortable on a hot day while also providing protection against potentially harmful excess UV rays. Our customers love umbrellas which are both highly practical and able to add a dash of panache to any front or back yard.

Whether you live in the heart of the sunbelt here in California or in climate where the term "four seasons" might be a touch more meaningful, the outstanding selection of outdoor furniture available at Unique Patio Furniture's has something for all yards. Whether you prefer taking a look at the store's great selection at our brick and mortar location in Yorba Linda or visit our online store, we offer some of the finest selections in outdoor furniture available anywhere.

For more information, you can visit the Unique Patio Furniture online store at or you can visit the store in-person seven days a week to see some of the latest and best in outdoor furniture. For store location, hours, and phone number, please visit our contact page.

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SOURCE Unique Patio Furniture Co.