Perrie Kitching, Musical Sensation, Signs With Rod Harrell of RLHTalent

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 9, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Publicist Rod Harrell of RLHTalent proudly announces his newest client, amazing guitarist and singing sensation Perrie Kitching. Perrie's latest project is a compilation of songs he has composed over a period of introspection. Perrie's musical talent is powerful as he displays his truths, triumphs and heartbreaks in his songs.


Perrie's newest hit song, Betrayed, is an emotional song exquisitely displaying Perrie's unique voice that audiences love. Perrie's songs reflect a true raw talent that is memorable and powerful. Perrie's tunes are addicting as this soft spoken, young casually dressed male belts out songs from his soul with strength and composure.

Perrie's powerful voice will surprise you along with Perrie's character that shines through in his music. Perrie's soulful lyrics in See You On The Other Side cause his fans to have that I can't get the song out of my head experience.

It is not enough to simply hear Perrie's songs on the radio or on your personal players because Perrie's visual performance is as captivating as his voice. Perrie's face reflects the true character and depth of his songs. Among Perrie's many talents is his ability to play his guitar behind his back which is all the more reason to see Perrie in concert.

This singing sensation is destined to top every Billboard chart.

Perrie's early life presented difficult times growing up which created the empty slate for his repertoire of songs for what is now his musical soundtrack. It was not until the late 1990s that Perrie started to record under the guidance of some of the biggest names in the music business, while using state of the art studio equipment which together took Perrie's musical career to new heights.

Perrie's approach to music is unbelievably candid…even his sad songs are sung with that unique Perrie Kitching smile with his heart filled joy, hope and addictive sound…as reflected in his latest hit See You On The Other Side.

"My music is from my heart and soul…I sing what is true, what is destined to be and what is real…I feel blessed to be represented by RLH Talent and will faithfully live up to the gifts I have received." Just as Lady Gaga refers to her fans as "Little Monsters" Perrie has a catchy love name for his fans too…."my people that do relate to me." As Perrie powerfully belts out in his hit song Betrayed, he is what he says he is and singing for his people that do relate to him.

"As a performer and musician, my music is played with every intention of uplifting our souls. I write music with the hope of influencing people to want to better themselves. My dedication is what sets me apart from every other musician. I'm not afraid to face the odds that are placed before me. My strength, courage and belief in my God given talents are beyond the norm. If you were to place 100 hurdles before me, not only would I graciously jump over them, but I would turn around and jump over them again because music is something I could never get tired of. I hope to continue to touch lives with the music that God has blessed me to with."

Perrie has been performing since he was a young boy. Perrie's appearances have included New York, Atlanta, Detroit and Los Angeles. Perrie's love of and dedication to children inspire Perrie to assist with children's charities such as Aid For Autistic Children Foundation and National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

For an airplay and press review copy of Flying please email us: with your e-mail address and affiliation. Please see Perrie Kitching's website for more information and photos at

You can find Perrie on Twitter at

For upcoming bookings and event dates contact and or

Contact: Rod L. Harrell of RLHTalent at 310-922-3401 or