UMWA COMPAC Endorses Walt Helmick in Ag Race

CHARLESTON, W.Va., Oct. 10, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Walt Helmick 's commitment to develop former surface mine locations as agricultural sites has gained him the endorsement of the United Mine Workers of America in his race for Commissioner of Agriculture.

"Walt Helmick's desire to promote agriculture-based jobs at former mine sites and economic development throughout West Virginia helps miners and everyone else who live in rural areas," Ted Hapney, Southeast regional coordinator for the Coal Miners Political Action Committee (COMPAC) of the UMWA, said.

Helmick said, "These former mine sites have untapped potential. If we work with our universities and industry we can significantly increase the amount of agricultural activity in Southern and central West Virginia. We must be proactive and develop our own job creation opportunities."

A Webster County native, Helmick graduated from Webster Springs High School and received his B.A. degree from West Virginia Institute of Technology. Walt is also a graduate of the University of Oklahoma Economic Development Institute.

Helmick, a Democrat, will face Republican Kent Leonhardt in the November election. For more information about Helmick, go to:

SOURCE Helmick for Ag Campaign