Do Nothing! Yup, There's a Holiday for That

Wednesday is National Do Nothing Day.


Uh …


Ok, that's about as much "nothing" as I can stand, which may be reason enough to have a day dedicated to it.

Legend has it that National Do Nothing Day was created 40 years ago by San Francisco Examiner columnist Harold Pullman Coffin.

"He found himself thinking about and getting tired of special interest groups laying claim to a day on the calendar far too often. He felt that he needed to do something to give us a day to really focus on ourselves," theherbivorehippi wrote on Hub Pages.

Decades later, we seem incapable of doing nothing. We can't even do just one thing at a time. I get restless when I'm only working one digital device. I'm more comfortable juggling three.

We multitask so much we're multitasking multitasking.

"Honor the Sabbath and keep it holy," is the fourth commandment. God ordered man to rest one day a week, so why can't we at least rest one day a year? I mean, Congress does nothing EVERY day.

So watch the video, my friends, to see a few attempts by everyone from viewers to news anchors to take a few moments and … do …… nothing ….

—By CNBC's Jane Wells; Follow her on Twitter: @janewells