Hacking America


  • Woman with mobile phone

    The use of mobile dating apps is exploding, but experts say security is lagging. Here's how consumers can protect themselves against fraudsters.

  • National Security Agency headquarters, Fort Meade, Maryland

    Meet the man leading the NSA's recruiting efforts through a program targeting students as young as eighth grade.

  • A look inside cybersecurity start-up Tinfoil provides a peek into the current gold rush behind the hacking economy.

  • Defcon conference

    Jeff Moss, the hacker community's best-known security impresario, shares his insights as founder of the hacker convention Defcon.

  • Hacking hacker cyber security

    With big data breaches becoming more common, experts say it's time to take more steps to protect yourself. Here's what you need to know.

  • Cybercriminals stealing your money

    Cyber criminals can now steal your money and hold your files hostage using sophisticated software known as Gameover Zeus and Cryptolocker. CNBC's Scott Cohn reports.

  • Edward Snowden

    NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden says the government can spy on you, but experts say hackers seeking your financial data is still a bigger threat.

  • Is the NSA spying on your cellphone and keystrokes?

    Edward Snowden told NBC News intelligence agencies have sophisticated real-time cyberspying techniques. But, how accurate are his claims? CNBC's Scott Cohn reports.

  • Cyber crime hacker

    New malware, including Blackshades, allows hackers to spy on victims through infected webcams. Here's how to protect yourself.

  • Easy-to-use cyberspying malware

    Remote access tools, or RATs, can take over your computer and watch your every move. CNBC's Scott Cohn reports.

  • Spotify investigating hack: Report

    CNBC's Scott Cohn reports music service Spotify is launching an investigation into unauthorized access to company systems data.

  • Despite the global phenomenon of cyberattacks, U.S. entities are overwhelmingly at the receiving end of cyber-thieves, according to a new report.

  • Target's John Mulligan

    Target may not know the costs of the data breach until late in the second quarter or early third quarter, interim CEO John Mulligan said.

  • Types of data targeted

    Credit card information can make hackers money, but non-payment information is also a big target for cybercriminals. CNBC's Josh Lipton provides insight to Trustwave's Annual Global Security Report on data breaches.

  • So-called malvertising is a new threat worrying some lawmakers. These are ads with malware that can infect your computer without a single click.

  • Can an ad hack your computer?

    Ads with malicious code embedded, known as "malvertising," can breach your computer without you even clicking on a link. CNBC's Scott Cohn reports.


Investigations Inc.: Cyber Espionage

  • Hacking is often called the biggest danger to the economic security of the United States.has gone on record as calling the cyber threat “one of the most serious and economic and national security challenges we face as a nation.”What was once a series of isolated incidents has now become almost common place in Corporate America. By attacking business networks, hackers are accessing company secrets and confidential strategies and creating huge losses for the overall economy, say experts. Many of t

    By attacking business computer networks, hackers are accessing company secrets and confidential strategies and creating huge losses for the overall economy.

  • lock_laptop.jpg

    China is working feverishly to counteract its slowest GDP growth in recent years, and one of the ways it’s doing so, say U.S. officials, is through the theft of American corporate secrets.

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    US businesses are enduring an unprecedented onslaught of cyber invasions from foreign governments, organized crime syndicates, and hacker collectives, all seeking to steal information and disrupt services, cybersecurity experts say.

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