From Loops to Legible: Jack Lew’s New Signature

President Barack Obama and White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew.
Getty Images
President Barack Obama and White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew.

When beginning a new job, it's good to start fresh: Make a few changes and form a good impression. For new Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew, that meant closing some loopholes.

Lew was not much of a household name when he was nominated back in January, especially when compared to fiscal movers like Larry Summers, Ben Bernanke, or Lew's predecessor, Timothy Geithner.

Yet the former director of the Office of Management and Budget excited the Twittersphere and beyond with his rather ridiculous signature: a series of eight loops that resembled more Slinky than Jacob Lew.

New York magazine described it as like "one of those Crazy Straws you get at Six Flags."

(Read More: The Truth About Lew's Crazy Signature)

Even President Barack Obama got in on the joke, saying in January: "Jack has assured me that he is going to work to make at least one letter legible in order not to debase our currency should be he confirmed as secretary of the Treasury."

Confirmed he was, and his assurance to the president has been honored; even surpassed. For Lew has not just made one letter legible, but his whole name. One can now clearly see the words, "Jacob J. Lew," where there once were only loops.

The Independent newspaper reported that while the new signature was found in a new report published by the Financial Stability Oversight Council, administration officials said this was not his final sign-off, and the autograph that will appear on all currency is still to come.

That may sound bizarre, but the paper said Geithner also said he had been asked to improve his signature after submitting his first effort to the Bureau of Printing and Engraving.

(Related: Lew Blames Washington for Slow Growth)