Lightning Round: Lockheed Martin, Rite Aid & More

Are you ready skeedaddy???!!! It's time for the Lightning Round. Cramer makes the call on viewer favorites.

Rite Aid (RAD): It's an ok stock, said Cramer, but in the space I prefer CVS below $60.

Standard Motor Products (SMP): If this one comes in, I'd think about buying, said Cramer, but not at current levels.

Lorillard (LO): I'm not a buyer of tobacco companies broadly, said Cramer. The yield isn't what it used to be.

Lockheed Martin (LMT): At $123 I wouldn't buy, said Cramer. But it's a good company and around $115 I'd dive right in.

NQ Mobile (NQ): I can not opine, said Cramer. I need to do some homework, first.

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