Visa: Drug Store Shoppers Help Rule Retail

Where did you do most of your holiday shopping this year? On “Morning Call” Visa’s Chief Economist--Wayne Best--revealed where most people shopped when using their Visa credit card. Best said that Visa cards were most used in electronics stores, home furnishings stores and drug stores.

Drug stores might seem a bit unusual but Best explained, "They were heavy sellers of personal entertainment devices; music players and game consoles. They really took advantage of the things consumers really wanted this season."

In case you're wondering, December 23rd was the strongest day for Visa this Holiday season followed closely by December 22nd and Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving.)

He also explained that deep discounts didn't seem to boost spending all that much and called shoppers "cautious consumers."

Visa USA is a private, membership corporation of 13,382 financial institutions.