Mad Mail

Hey Jim:You da man! Watching you on TV every night is like having an investment class in my living room. What’s up with the retail sector? Your books say, “When the slowdown is evident, the Fed begins to ease rates." Isn't that now? It’s seems to me that the Federal Reserve is going to ease rates and that now is the time for retail. What do you think? --Mike

Cramer says: “I totally, totally agreed with you – two months ago. But the Fed has decided in its infinite wisdom that although the housing crisis is upon us, the auto crisis, and retail has slowed, all that matters is our export business is booming. So they have taken the easing off the table, which is why retail’s been bad.” If it’s not GameStop or Sears or maybe Petsmart, Cramer wouldn’t touch it.


Dear Jim: A great big BOO-YAH and congratulations on the 500th show! I go all the way back to the FNN days, and for my money there's never been a more truly informative and educational show than Mad Money. From retail broker in the '80s to dedicated Home Gamer today, I've learned more about "bottoms-up" stock analysis and how it relates to the real world of equity investing from you than anyone else on the Street. For all of us who "buy and homework," a heartfelt and enthusiastic "THANK YOU" for the work that you do. Best wishes to you and your incredible staff on your successes so far, and on to #1000! --Mark

Dear Jim: A great big BOO-YAH and congratulations on the 500th show! I go all the way back to the FNN days, and for my money there's never been a more truly informative and educational show than Mad Money. From retail broker in the '80s to dedicated Home Gamer today, I've learned more about "bottoms-up" stock analysis and how it relates to the real world of equity investing from you than anyone else on the Street. For all of us who "buy and homework," a heartfelt and enthusiastic "THANK YOU" for the work that you do. Best wishes to you and your incredible staff on your successes so far, and on to #1000! --Mark

P.S. When can we look for a new book, Jim?

Cramer says: “I’m trying to get one done by the end of the year. I’m doing my best.”

Boo-yah Skee-Daddy: Three generations of my family gather at my house to watch your show. Your show has brought our family closer because we have a huge family gathering when it's on. My house has literally turned into Cramerica. My wife, son, mother, father, and friends have a great time every Friday and drink Johnnie Walker on the linoleum floor. I would like to know what you think about Yamana Gold. Is this a speculative stock or is it a solid investment? I personally believe that this gold company is in the best position for explosive growth. --Jerold

Cramer says: “I agree with you. It’s the only gold company that’s not a speculation that I would recommend on this show. I am totally behind you on that.”

Jim’s charitable trust owns Sears.

Questions? Comments?