Skiing Into Profits


Think summer and a ski operator is most likely not at the top of your list.

But think again. Vail Resorts (MTN) currently operates six golf courses, and while most of its revenue is generated in the winter, nearly a quarter of its sales are generated in the summer.

That has helped the company to some cool returns - up some 41% year-to-date and nearly 87% in the last 52 weeks.

Vail Resorts Chief Executive Robert Katz joins the guys for this conversation.

How much more development opportunities are there for you in the summer?

“It’s a prime focus for us,” says Katz. “We have golf, private clubs, lodging, mountain biking… and we do a lot of wedding business. The busiest day in Vail is July 4th.”

Are you fully realizing the value of the land?

“I think there’s more room for growth,” says Katz. “We’re going to put in a new zipline… where you can ride right into the view of Lake Tahoe. And in Vail we’re putting in a new mountain coaster.”

But, your business is so vulnerable to the whims of the weather?

“We really focus on the experience,” replies Katz. “We’re delivering performance despite ups and downs in the weather.”

Where do you see growth?

“We’re seeing organic growth driven by industry trends,” says Katz. “We’re (also) seeing price growth… and we’re also expanding our lodging business. Our real estate business is going to generate more cash flow and profitability…”

Can you still find compelling real estate deals?

“Yes,” he says. (We can) buy a piece of property and we can drop a (ski) lift to it… so we’re not just speculating.”

Dylan Ratigan asks the guys what they think of this stock?

Eric Bolling, Guy Adami, and Pete Najarian all like MTN.


Trader disclosure: On June 19 2007, the following stocks and commodities mentioned or intended to be mentioned on CNBC’s Fast Money were owned by the Fast Money traders:
Najarian Owns (BMY); Bolling Owns (ICE), (NMX), Gold: GE Is The Parent Company Of CNBC
CNBC Is A Service Of NBC Universal And Dow Jones

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