CNBC's Schacknow: Adding Value to The $54 Million Story

Tyler’s Tour de Force
Most of the time, it’s the story that makes the story. What do I mean by that? (I’m asked that question frighteningly often.)

Simply put, when we decide to use a reporter to report a breaking story -- it’s the story itself that determines whether it will get on, and how interested people will be in it.

But if you watched Tyler Mathisen’s report on the infamous $54 million dry-cleaning lawsuit, you’d know that as good as that story was, Tyler’s presentation of it added even more. But don’t believe me. Watch the video -- and you be the judge!

Sure, this wasn’t a story of world importance. But it did involve millions of dollars, a pair of temporarily lost pants, a mom-and-pop business, and a great deal of intrigue. A legitimate business story that fascinated a great many people. Including Tyler, apparently!