Wacky Holiday Trading


As Independence Day nears, the guys warn that they anticipate bizarre stock moves during the week ahead. In the Fast Money Web.Extra find out why, as well as how to trade the trend.

During the six Thanksgiving and Independence Day holiday weeks since 2004 Intuitive Surgical (ISRG) and Meridian Bioscience (VIVO) were the most common movers each netting an average gain of nearly 7% on four of those six occasions. What can you expect next week?


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Trader disclosure: On June 29 2007, the following stocks and commodities mentioned or intended to be mentioned on CNBC’s Fast Money were owned by the Fast Money traders
Jon Najarian Owns (RIMM); (AAPL), (DIS), (UNH), (TOL), (JNPR), (KOMG), (ZQK), (ISRG), (ITG), Pete Najarian Owns (BIDU), GE Is The Parent Company Of CNBC