"Hellish" Holiday Ahead? I've Got Some Web Sites For You

If you're braving the airports this holiday season it's a good idea to do some research. So, here are a couple of my favorite sites for traveling. I like this site AvoidDelays.com. It can be kind of depressing, but it's useful. The site says that on November 14 (this past Wednesday), some 2,011 flights were delayed. Ugh!

But if really get frustrated, there's www.airrage.org. Not exactly for the faint of heart, so be warned. It does get right down to the nitty gritty of what's going on in air travel.

And as people start preparing for a family Thanksgiving, I figured I should to share this fun web site: HellishHolidays.com is a user generated site dedicated to, you guessed it, hellish holidays. You upload your embarrassing, awful video and share the kind of wonderful personality conflicts that emerge over family dinners. The site has some videos that go back to the 60s and 70s--people have clearly been dying to share some of these holiday moments for a while. Some are staged, (Thanksgiving at the Trailer Park) some seem bizarre and voyeuristic.

Apparently this site features various holidays, but I've only discovered it now. Last year, I cooked a full T-day dinner, including a 23 pound turkey for my family and my future in-laws in a tiny Manhattan kitchen. I probably broke some record of the number of dishes to be produced per square food, so needless to say, there are moments that would have qualified.

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