Your Turn At Bat


Hi readers -

First I want to thank you -- because every day thousands of you read the "Rapid Recap," as well as answer the "Charles Schwab Poll," watch our slide shows, download podcasts and so much more more. We really appreciate how enthusiastic you are about "Fast Money."

I want to turn the tables a bit. Now it's your turn to take control of the conversation. Send me an e-mail me with a question or issue that you'd like to see addressed and it could be selected as the cornerstone of our Reader's Poll and published in the "Rapid Recap."

For example, you might be wondering, with the Dow considerably higher on Wednesday afternoon, was the recent slide in stocks a necessary correction -- or a sign of something worse to come.

Or you might ask, of all the Fast Money personalities - who would get your vote for President! In fact, I like that quesiton so much -- let's start with that. Here's how it would look!

All you need to do is send us an e-mail at -- and check back regularly. It's your turn at bat!

-- Lee Brodie

Got something to say? Send us an e-mail at and your comment might be posted on the Rapid Recap! Prefer to keep it between us? You can still send questions and comments to