CNBC's "On Air" Funny Business

I occasionally hold an in-house contest to award a $10 Starbucks gift card to the best "banner" one of our writers/producers comes up with for a story--you know, those cute little phrases along the bottom of the screen.

The current crop of contestants wrote banners that ACTUALLY AIRED for stories from the last few months. Only CNBC personnel can vote, but I thought you'd like to see a few of the nominees. Plus, it gives you a sense of all the people who work behind the scenes:

Andy Fisher--Xbox meltdown problems:
Microsoft HEXed-box

Benjamin Berna--Heinz CEO appears on CNBC:
Always Carry a Condiment

Rich Fisherman--will Flossie become a hurricane:
Does Flossie Have Teeth?

Bob Fasbender--Bear Stearns CEO James Cayne's troubles:
Raising Cayne
Cayne Mutiny

Bria Cousins--Mattel recalls even more toys:
China: Land of Misfit Toys

Kerima Greene--Goldman Sach's Global Alpha Fund troubles:
The Alpha Maelstrom

Rich Fisherman (again)--Fed discount rate cut to save market:
Give Credit Where Credit is Due

Peter Schacknow--David Letterman talks about Greenspan:
Stupid Fed Tricks

There are also a bunch of banners they wrote which we could not air...and which I cannot print. Sigh. Someday.

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