Lightning Round: Loews, NYSE, Tesco and More

Quanta Services : With good fundamentals, Cramer said he couldn't figure out why the stock has come down. "I want to buy Quanta Services."

Sigma Designs : It's one of the big winners of Blu-Ray's win over HD DVD. Sigma is hated by the short sellers, Cramer said. "I'm with the long buyers."

Loews : Cramer urged Homegamers to buy LTR right here as a play on its spin-off of Lorillard Tobacco.

NYSE Euronext : Cramer said he wishes the NYSE would buy the American Stock Exchange and consolidate its operations. But even if it doesn't, "NYX is right here."

ZymoGenetics : Of the beleaguered biotechs, Cramer said he'd rather own BioMarin .

Tesco : Oil and gas is right, Cramer said, but Transocean is a better name than Tesco. He thinks RIG goes to $150.

International Speedway : "I'm not going there." It's too much of a discretionary spending stock, Cramer said. And it's unlikely that the upcoming Daytona 500 will help lift it.

Jim's charitable trust owns NYSE Euronext and Transocean.

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