See What People Are Saying On Jan. 17th


Please explain the difference between "long" and "long of" when referring to positions you have.

-- Lance from Indiana

That's a great question and one that comes up more often than you might think. There's no difference.

If you watch the show regularly, you know that Dennis Gartman will say something like "I'm long of Petrobras or I'm short of wheat." He's using correct grammar. We could get into a discussion of adverbs and prepositions -- but let's save that for another day. And, there's nothing wrong with leaving out the "of".

-- Lee Brodie


You should sell yard signs with the NBC tail feathers in the back ground with the American flag in the feathers. Big black letters K-FINE IN 09 across the feathers. And on the bottom have fast money and the CNBC logo. Yes I know I have to much time on my hands.

-- Michael from Wisconsin


I absolutely love this show. I like the idea of having more than one opinion on a stock.
Your gang is the best!! Jeff is so....good looking. He has a smile that would melt a heart.

-- Laura

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