Accenture CEO: Go Global, Be Happy

The CEO of the world's largest consulting company finds his fellow chief executives quite upbeat at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

William Green of Accenture also finds corporate leaders better prepared to cope with a softening economy than they were during earlier downturns.

"This is the new normal that we're in," Green told CNBC.

"There are always going to be economic and geopolitical challenges, and I think the job of the leaders in both industry and governments is to face those and to navigate their way through change."

With two-thirds of Accenture's revenues outside the United States, Green thinks his company is well positioned.

"People tend to think, especially if you're in the United States, that the world economy revolves around the United States," he said. "We are in a multi-polar world, and if you look at businesses, the global economy is actually in very good shape."