Stocks on the Move: Toyota, Emerson, Posco and More

Following are the day's biggest winners and losers. Find out why shares of Illumina popped while Posco dropped and more.

POPS (stocks that jumped higher)

Celanese popped 4%. The chemical company said higher prices and growth in China helped to boost its quarterly profit. Adami: Buy early-cycle recovery names like Celanese on dips.

Church & Dwight popped 3%. The company behind Arm & Hammer and Trojan condoms said sales of electric toothbrushes and kitty litter led to a 32% increase in profits. Adami: The company was happy with guidance. It’s a buy.

Illumina popped 10%. This maker of gene analysis tools forecast a profit that beat expectations. Macke: This has long been a favorite of the shorts and has been tortured on the way up.

DROPS (stocks that slid lower)

Posco dropped 8%. Higher raw costs led Goldman Sachs to cut this Korean steelmaker to “sell.” Jon Najarian: Iron ore and coal prices are too high for profitable steelmaking.

Emerson dropped 4%. Demand for power systems from refineries led to a 27% jump in earnings but the stock still fell. Finerman: should have been a pop, not a great day to release good numbers

Toyota dropped 4%. Slowing U.S. demand and a weaker dollar may hurt earnings this quarter, according to the company. Macke: If it has wheels, sell it.

SiRF Technologies dropped 55%. Pricping pressure hurt profits at this maker of GPS chips. Jon Najarian: GPS devices are not in demand and probably won’t be until next Christmas.

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Trader disclosure: On Feb.5, 2008, the following stocks and commodities mentioned or intended to be mentioned on CNBC’s Fast Money were owned by the Fast Money traders; Macke Owns (YHOO), (DIS), (INTC); Finerman Owns (GS); Finerman's Firm Owns (NMX), (RTP), (SKS), (TSO), (TYC), (VLO), (WMT), (SUN); Finerman's Firm Owns (YHOO) And (YHOO) Calls; Finerman's Firm Is Short (SPY), (IJR), (IYR), (IWM), (MDY), (CME), (COF), (BHP); Finerman's Firm Is Short (LEH) And Owns (LEH) Puts; Jon Najarian Owns (CME), (DIS), (MRK), (CMC), (YRCW); Jon Najarian Is Short (AIG), (XOM); Jon Najarian Has A Protected Long Position In (XLF) Through Options