Where to find YOUR Hidden Millions!

Are you looking for Hidden Millions? Million dollar ideas are all around you, you just have to know where to look. Big Idea guests have found hidden millions in the simplest of places!

In the Kitchen: Just like Wendy and Michael Silver, creators of Toss & Chop, an innovative tool for chopping salads!

In the Bedroom: Just like Kim Babjak, creator of Zip-A-Ruffle, an easily removable dust guard for your bed

In the Closet: Just like Debbie Barker who developed the Flip Fold, which makes folding clothes easier than you'd ever imagine!

In the Bathroom: Luc Jalbert the innovator behind Just A Drop, which removes the smell from "going number 2"

In the Attic: Jim Koch of Samuel Adams Boston Lager, who found his family's long-lost beer recipie

In their Family History: Michele Hoskins who revived her family's syrup formula to create Michele's Syrup
In just Having Fun: Like Richard Tait who wanted to make a game absolutely everybody could enjoy and created Cranium
In a Family Vacation: As Cheryl and Steve Schneider did when they got the idea for Malava on a family vacation!

Even... in their Pants: Like Catherine Hart, creator of Skinny Jeans... the name says it all!