A Pop For Your Portfolio?


Retailers are breathing a little easier after seeing business pick up a bit last month. Most delivered same-store sales gains in April that were both better than expected and higher than they've been in months.

I didn’t like the data, says Jeff Macke on CNBC’s Closing Bell. If you’ve got gains I’d take some off the table. In fact, the only retailer I feel comfortable buying is Wal-Mart.

I agree that it was a soft month and the consumer is horrible, says Howard Davidowitz of Davidowitz and Associates. However I see opportunity in special situations.

Here are a few of those special situations.

Look at TJ Maxx for the trickle down from weak department stores stales.

Children’s Place is interesting because they got rid of the Disney stores.

CVS looks terrific because they acquired Caremark.

Urban Outfitters could be a buy because they’re not in malls.

Jeff Macke bristles at the recommendations. The time’s not right, he exclaims!

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