Beta Body Language That Alphas Avoid at All Costs!

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By Janine Driver

To send the message of Alpha Power, be sure to keep your three power zones open at all times:  Neck dimple, belly-button and naughty bits.  I can't say that enough to anyone who is on the path to making millions like all of the guests on the show! 

Also, keep your legs uncrossed and your feet firmly planted on the ground, as it will send the message to others that you are stable, solid, and can't be pushed around.  If you're standing keep your stance at a minimum 6-10 inches apart, as opposed to the more Beta less then 6 inches. 

As a good friend of mine, ATF Special Agent Steve Bisnett says during his self-defense courses, don't be a tall tapered candle because when you bump the table those candles easily tip over.  And the last message you want to send to the world is that you don't solidly stand behind your ideas and your company!  Instead, widen that stance and become a short fat candle, like super model Cindy Crawford whose career has had massive longevity, Elvis Presley, and Ellen DeGeneres -these powerhouse Alphas have made history as Alpha leaders - and if they can do it, so can you!

Simply think about the most powerful leaders in this world, Donald Trump, Angelina Jolie, Barbara Walters, Steve Jobs they're not manic insecure approval-seeking Beta's, they're the snakes, tigers, and lions of this world, so to send the message of Alpha power, slow down your gestures.  Think and move your body like a snake - smooth.  Move your head like a lion - controlled, not bouncy.  Use the gestures of a tiger - powerful and strong. 

LYIN' TAMER BIG IDEA QUICK TIP:  Tomorrow, for the fun of it, pretend you're moving through water when speaking with people.  Now, you may be thinking to yourself that this exercise is a little odd and over-the-top, and you're completely right, it is!  But imagine what could happen to your professional success and your company's bottom-line if you were to identify and eliminate any Beta manic movements you may currently be making!

For your FREE on-line mini-course called, "Body Language Business Bloopers Successful People Avoid (at all costs)!" be sure to visit my site right now! 

Here are a couple of bonus pictures of a couple of my communication students who were willing to share with you the three most common moves that Beta's make that an Alpha would NEVER do!

1.  Blocking one of the Power Zones – This Beta arm cross blocks the center of this woman’s body, which ultimately creates a protective wall and is a sign of insecurity!

2.  Blocking another Power Zone – Beta people can be seen covering their neck dimple, which sends the message of anxiety and apprehension.

By Janine Driver

To send the message of Alpha Power, be sure to keep your three power zones open at all times:  Neck dimple, belly-button and naughty bits.  I can't say that enough to anyone who is on the path to making millions like all of the guests on the show! 

Also, keep your legs uncrossed and your feet firmly planted on the ground, as it will send the message to others that you are stable, solid, and can't be pushed around.  If you're standing keep your stance at a minimum 6-10 inches apart, as opposed to the more Beta less then 6 inches. 

As a good friend of mine, ATF Special Agent Steve Bisnett says during his self-defense courses, don't be a tall tapered candle because when you bump the table those candles easily tip over.  And the last message you want to send to the world is that you don't solidly stand behind your ideas and your company!  Instead, widen that stance and become a short fat candle, like super model Cindy Crawford whose career has had massive longevity, Elvis Presley, and Ellen DeGeneres -these powerhouse Alphas have made history as Alpha leaders - and if they can do it, so can you!

Simply think about the most powerful leaders in this world, Donald Trump, Angelina Jolie, Barbara Walters, Steve Jobs they're not manic insecure approval-seeking Beta's, they're the snakes, tigers, and lions of this world, so to send the message of Alpha power, slow down your gestures.  Think and move your body like a snake - smooth.  Move your head like a lion - controlled, not bouncy.  Use the gestures of a tiger - powerful and strong. 

LYIN' TAMER BIG IDEA QUICK TIP:  Tomorrow, for the fun of it, pretend you're moving through water when speaking with people.  Now, you may be thinking to yourself that this exercise is a little odd and over-the-top, and you're completely right, it is!  But imagine what could happen to your professional success and your company's bottom-line if you were to identify and eliminate any Beta manic movements you may currently be making!

For your FREE on-line mini-course called, "Body Language Business Bloopers Successful People Avoid (at all costs)!" be sure to visit my site right now! 

Here are a couple of bonus pictures of a couple of my communication students who were willing to share with you the three most common moves that Beta's make that an Alpha would NEVER do!

1.  Blocking one of the Power Zones – This Beta arm cross blocks the center of this woman’s body, which ultimately creates a protective wall and is a sign of insecurity!

3.  Self-touch Gesture – Sends the message of nervousness and anxiety, it’s as if he is saying, “It’ o.k., I’ll get through this!”  This is a common Betta move, so be sure to relax, and no playing with your hands, rubbing your legs, playing with your hair, taking your pointy finger and playing with the cuticle on your thumb!

By Janine Driver

To send the message of Alpha Power, be sure to keep your three power zones open at all times:  Neck dimple, belly-button and naughty bits.  I can't say that enough to anyone who is on the path to making millions like all of the guests on the show! 

Also, keep your legs uncrossed and your feet firmly planted on the ground, as it will send the message to others that you are stable, solid, and can't be pushed around.  If you're standing keep your stance at a minimum 6-10 inches apart, as opposed to the more Beta less then 6 inches. 

As a good friend of mine, ATF Special Agent Steve Bisnett says during his self-defense courses, don't be a tall tapered candle because when you bump the table those candles easily tip over.  And the last message you want to send to the world is that you don't solidly stand behind your ideas and your company!  Instead, widen that stance and become a short fat candle, like super model Cindy Crawford whose career has had massive longevity, Elvis Presley, and Ellen DeGeneres -these powerhouse Alphas have made history as Alpha leaders - and if they can do it, so can you!

Simply think about the most powerful leaders in this world, Donald Trump, Angelina Jolie, Barbara Walters, Steve Jobs they're not manic insecure approval-seeking Beta's, they're the snakes, tigers, and lions of this world, so to send the message of Alpha power, slow down your gestures.  Think and move your body like a snake - smooth.  Move your head like a lion - controlled, not bouncy.  Use the gestures of a tiger - powerful and strong. 

LYIN' TAMER BIG IDEA QUICK TIP:  Tomorrow, for the fun of it, pretend you're moving through water when speaking with people.  Now, you may be thinking to yourself that this exercise is a little odd and over-the-top, and you're completely right, it is!  But imagine what could happen to your professional success and your company's bottom-line if you were to identify and eliminate any Beta manic movements you may currently be making!

For your FREE on-line mini-course called, "Body Language Business Bloopers Successful People Avoid (at all costs)!" be sure to visit my site right now! 

Here are a couple of bonus pictures of a couple of my communication students who were willing to share with you the three most common moves that Beta's make that an Alpha would NEVER do!

1.  Blocking one of the Power Zones – This Beta arm cross blocks the center of this woman’s body, which ultimately creates a protective wall and is a sign of insecurity!

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