The Big Idea Wants YOU!

We want to help you take control of your success. Every day, we post new show topics right here. This is your chance to tell us what's standing in the way of your bigger life. Viewers can email, call, or even appear on the show to talk to Donny. But it all starts with you... right here.
Check out our most recent opportunities!

Do you have an idea or a product that you think will make millions?
Do you have a strong emotional connection to your product? Can you explain in 30 seconds what the product is and why it's a million dollar idea?

Are YOU in need of a success intervention?
On the brink of failure or success and one push will take you over the edge?

Are you an executive in need of help?
Are you a professional who is trying to hold on to your job? Are you an executive dealing with jerks at work?

Have you made a BIG mistake and need Donny's help?
Let him solve your biggest blunders!

***Please only respond to the above topics if they apply to your situation! For general show emails, pitches or comments, please visit our Email The Show page!