Stock Picker: Get Off the Sidelines!

Anxiety over Hurricane Gustav is fading, oil prices are falling, and Brent Wilsey of Wilsey Asset Management says it's time for stock-market investors to get into the action.

"This market is moving forward, and people sitting on the sidelines, they're missing some great opportunities here," he told CNBC.


So where does he find the opportunities?

"An insurance company that's a re-insurer for property and Transatlantic Holdings, which is down 20 percent from the 52-week high," he said. "Their sales are up 6 percent year-over-year, and this company returns 40 percent of their equity."

He had praise for Holly.

"Holly Corporation is a refiner," he explained. "Their earnings are going to increase 100 percent in December 2009."


- CNBC Dow 30 Tracker


Also on his list is transportation holding company Arkansas Best.

"Down 25 percent from their 52-week high...and the mean of nine analysts are looking for earnings to increase 20 percent in 2009; the deficit's going to be very low," he said.


Disclosure information for Brent Wilsey was not immediately available.
