How to Use Facebook to Get a Job


Facebook is not just about poking friends and posting party pictures. With 120 million active users and the fourth-most traffic on the entire web, the massively popular social networking site can be one of your most powerful tools for finding new work – especially if you’re recently unemployed.

Lisa Takeuchi Cullen, an author and expert on jobs, says the message is that social networking isn’t about being social anymore – it’s about being professional and networking.

You've probably at least heard of Facebook, but you have bothered to set up an account? It’s free and easy and all you need is an email address. Beyond that, you must create a profile. This is where it can get tricky. Since Facebook started on college campuses, there are still plenty of folks who write things and post pictures that might have been fine for the campus quad but would never fly in a job interview. If you’re looking for a job (or if you just want to save yourself from being embarrassed one day), avoid posting anything racy or controversial, especially for your profile photo. Remember: this is the Internet! Anyone can see what you do, so it's best to design your profile more like a resume where you hone your image and make it clear what you’re offering. Cullen recommends posting only what you would want your boss to see. And when crafting your profile, make sure to add where you went to school, work experience and anything else you might put on a resume.

The next step is to expand your network. You will be surprised at how many people you’ve known from different times in your life are already on Facebook. You can easily dump your email contacts into the system and the service will tell you who is already there. Then you can ‘friend’ them or invite those not on the network to join

There are some big-time no-no’s when it comes to finding work through Facebook. It’s worth stressing again: do not post any incriminating or overtly sexy photos, Cullen says. You must also monitor what photos you are ‘tagged’ in so that you can ‘untag’ any you don’t want people to see. Finally, don’t be afraid to discriminate on who you let become your ‘friend.’ Anyone who you’re friends with on the site can see your profile and all your other friends, so pick and choose responsibly. It’s not a popularity contest but it could help find you your next gig.

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