Happy New Year!

It’s been a while since we’ve been so happy to see a new year come along. Hooray for 2009! You couldn’t have come soon enough.

While we wait for the hope of ’09 to turn (hopefully) into reality, let’s take control of our new year as much as we can and make a pledge to get back on our financial feet. Circle in blue the second of every month this year (because the first is booked), and make an appointment to take anywhere from 10 minutes to 10 hours to review where your money is, learn where it should be and make some moves to make it work better for you.

As we dig out from under the money-mess that was 2008, planning and information will let us take advantage of what’s surely going to be the year of the rebound. 2009 may just be all about opportunity. In the meantime, let’s make some of our own.

Happy New Year!
