See What People Are Saying About... SEC's "Pride" In Their Response To Crisis


U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission chairman Christopher Cox, responding to heavy criticism, said in an interview published on Wednesday he takes pride in his response to the U.S. financial crisis.

"What we have done in this current turmoil is stay calm, which has been our greatest contribution -- not being impulsive, not changing the rules willy-nilly, but going through a very professional and orderly process that takes into account unintended consequences and gives ample notice to market participants," Cox told The Washington Post.

This caution "has really been a signal achievement for the SEC," said Cox.

"When these gale-force winds hit our markets, there were panicked cries to change any and every rule of the marketplace: 'Let's try this. Let's try that.' What was needed was a steady hand," he said.

And that leads to our Fast Money Reader Poll. Do you agree that the SEC has done a good job?

Read More:

> SEC Chief Defends Response To Economic Turmoil

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