The “Real” Breakfast of Champions?

Wheaties box
Wheaties box
Wheaties box

I was always waiting for a high-powered Wheaties and rumors are circulating that General Mills is in the planning stages of making that happen.

The idea behind the cereal, we’re told, is a male-targeted product that would give the brand some more credibility. We all know that while it has been called the “Breakfast of Champions” for 85 years, its ingredients hardly count as fuel in the time of protein bars and vitamin drinks.

Sources tell us that the brand has at least talked to a variety of athletes including Peyton Manning, Derek Jeter, Kevin Garnett and gold-medal winning decathlete Bryan Clay.

General Mills spokeswoman Shelly Dvorak said that the rumors “are not accurate.” If a cereal of this type does come to fruition, it doesn’t appear like the company has registered any name as of yet. General Mills has in the past registered “Wheaties Sustain” and “Wheaties Excel.”

If it’s not true, it’s a shame. Because this is exactly what Wheaties should be thinking about. After 85 years, it’s about time the “Breakfast of Champions” gets a credible update.

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