Love & Money 2009


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    Sure times are tough, but there's no reason money has to divide you and your spouse.  Talk it out, compromise and  improvise and you'll probably find ways to save money,  from your home to your IRA.

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    Despite the souring economy, the business of love is sweeter than ever.  Traffic at online dating networks and engagement auction sites is booming; even New York City is trying to get a piece of the action.

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    If people have trouble talking about money during the best of times, you can imagine what a deep recession can do.  Marital experts say it is important for couples who are beginning to feel the repercussions of the economic crisis  to take time to work on their relationship to ensure it will endure.

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    Divorce rates are down, and it’s not because everyone’s made peace across the rotten-marriage divide -- many couples simply can’t afford to divorce.

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    This year the holiday falls on a Saturday, already one of the busiest and most profitable day for restaurants. Restaurant operators prefer the holiday to fall on a weekday to maximize profits on a day that would normally be slower.

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    Spending and hiding debt behind your back can be as much of a betrayal as marital infidelity. Here are some red flags to watch out for if you suspect your spouse is having a financial affair.

