Google's Eric Schmidt on Obama's Economy Plans

There’s a reason Barack Obama turned to Eric Schmidt for guidance when the then president-elect, during his transition, asked key business leaders for ways to turn the economy around. Schmidt, needless to say, has had some success in business, serving as chief technology officer at Sun Microsystems as well as CEO at Norvell, and turning Google from a tiny Internet startup into a behemoth with 20,000 employees.

So you could say that Schmidt has the new president’s ear. Who better to ask then about creating white-collar jobs, transparency in government, plans for alternative energy and the yet-to-be-developed technologies that will change the way America does business? That’s why Cramer invited the Google CEO back to the show for our State of Cramerica special.

Watch the video for answers to the above questions and concerns Cramer had about Steve Jobs’ health and Apple, the death of print media and our next “man on the moon” moment.

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