Got Milk? Ad Doesn't Work

The Business of the Super Bowl
The Business of the Super Bowl

Every year, the folks at America's Milk Processors do an ad with the Super Bowl stars and put it in USA Today .

It's normally a good bit, with the players sporting those now familiar milk mustaches.

But this year's ad clearly doesn't work.

Source: USA Today

There they are, Kurt Warner and Ben Roethlisberger, holding a glass of milk.

"This Sunday, we both get called for holding," the ad reads.

It's meant to be a play on words, since both quarterbacks are holding a glass of milk.

But it doesn't quite make sense. When was the last time you saw a quarterback get called for holding?

The ad would have been better if it featured two linemen. Then again, I'm not sure people would stop at an ad featuring guys like Justin Hartwig and Darnell Dockett.

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