Sites of the Day: Tax Breaks For Homebuyers and More

The Better Business Bureau is warning consumers to beware of Valentine's Day e-cards sent by hackers that contain malicious computer viruses. To find out more, head to BBB.ORG.

Make sure your most precious cargo -- your toddler -- is safely secured when you drive, with three tips on baby carseat safety at CONSUMERREPORTS.ORG.

According to the Wall Street Journal, a new study by Javelin Strategy & Research says that ID theft hit 10 million Americans last year, a 22% increase. However, the average loss per victim declined 12%.

The recession keeps hitting the news magazine world. According to The New York Times, the Audit Bureau of Circulations at ACCESSABC.COM reports that single-copy magazine sales fell 11% in the second half of last year.

Vent with others who got the sack while you learn about your unemployment benefits at THECANNED.COM. The website has tips to get your next job and forums to just unwind.

Intellectually curious but can't afford tuition for yourself just now? ACADEMICEARTH.ORG has free lectures from some of America's most learned professors online.

Buy and sell your jewelry online with help from IDONOWIDONT.COM. The website lets you search for or sell jewelry, diamond rings and even wedding dresses.

Stat of the Day: Under the Senate's stimulus bill, homebuyers may receive up to $15,000 tax credit if their purchase is made this year.

>>See previous Sites of the Day