Web Extra: 3 Things to Know About Auto Incentives

Stroll onto any car dealership in the country right now and you might as well be walking onto the set of Let’s Make a Deal. New cars are priced to move fast. From special financing to cash back, incentives are all the rage to entice recession-weary consumers into new cars so that dealers can move inventory off their crowded lots.

John Giamalvo of Edmunds.com has three things any potential car-buyer needs to know about incentives:

1. Check daily. Incentives are constantly changing and it’s up to you to do your homework to see who’s offering what.

2. With APR incentives, many may not qualify. In fact, only 20 percent of consumers typically qualify for zero-percent financing.

3. Cash is king. Everyone looking at a car with a cash incentives qualifies.

Watch the web-exclusive video for more.