Fast Trades Into Friday's Close


How are the Fast Money traders gaming this market into the close? Following are the “Fast & Furious” trades - hot ways to play today's market moving events.

BUY TECH? With so many tech names reporting next week, how should you game it?

In the space I like Microsoft , says Jared Levy of Peak 6.


BUY BIOTECH? Biotech bigwigs including Celgene, Biogen and Boston Scientific are all on deck, how should you play biotech?

I’d short the BBH which I think could move back to $90, counsels Bill Strazzullo of BellCurve.


BUY FINANCIALS? Financials are showing relative strength, how should you game banks with Wells Fargo, American Express and TD Ameritrade all about to report?

In the space I would be long JPMorgan or Goldman Sachs , counsels Jim Iuorio of TJM. I think the environment is perfect for these two names to make money going forward.


BUY CONSUMER? With so many mixed signals about the consumer how should you game the space ahead of reports from McDonalds and Pepsi?

I go long McDonalds , counsels Patty Edwards of StoreHouse.



Jared Levy of Peak6: I’d remain long but also buy puts.

Bill Strazzullo of BellCurve: I’m a buyer on a little pullback in the S&P.

Jim Iuorio of TJM: I’m a buyer, lately we’ve seen late day buying.

Patty Edwards of Storehouse: I’m a seller. Earnings growth isn’t what I’d hoped it would be.

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