Swine Flu Toys And The Crasher Squirrel Winner

Swine Flu Plush Toy
Source: giantmicrobes.com
Swine Flu Plush Toy

You knew it would happen. Someone is marketing a swine flu plush toy. Now, it's not a pig, because, well, H1N1 isn't really about pigs. It's a germ. So the Swine Flu Toy is a big, pink, huggable...microbe. For $8. It's being sold through a company called Giant Microbe, which, as the name suggests, sells all kinds of microbial plush toys. Best sellers include the Bed Bug plush toy, a cutie called E. Coli, and the ever popular White Blood Cell. The perfect gift for a young Jonas Salk.

Crasher Squirrel
Photo by: Stephen Ames
Crasher Squirrel


A late round of voting pushed Stephen Ames over the top in the "Funny Business Stock Market Crash-er Squirrel Contest". When polls closed at 5p ET Wednesday, his "Making the Cover of Time" entry was in the lead (ok, polls didn't actually "close," I can't seem able to do that, but he was in the lead as of 5p). Ames wins the pathetic prize of a homemade Burger King inside-upside-down jersey. Woo-hoo! Thanks to all who entered, and all who voted.

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