Four Pound Burger A Financial Success

In March, we told the world about the Michigan WhiteCaps' Fifth-Third Burger and named it our Minor League Concession Item of the Year. Every news outlet picked up the story about the 5,000-calorie gut buster. I followed up by becoming the first to try it.

Fifth Third Burger
Source: West Michigan Whitecaps
Fifth Third Burger

Today, we give you the final update and that's on what a success the item was at the ballpark. The team sold 1,948 burgers this season at $20 each. There were 298 fans - one fewer than the amount of fat in the burger (299 grams) - who took on the meatstrocity and ate the whole thing themselves.

Mickey Graham, the team's director of marketing and media relations, said that 476 people attempted the meat feat, meaning that 62.6 percent of people who tried to do it actually finished it.

The team took things a step further last week with the Burger Challenge, which was the only timed challenge of the year. Steve Landis of Walker, Mich., pictured here, ate the whole thing in 11 minutes and 1 second. Looks like Steve might have a future on the competitive eating circuit.

Steve Landis
Steve Landis
Steve Landis

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