Moore: 'Capitalism' Is About 'Legalization of Greed'

Filmmaker Michael Moore brought his case against capitalism to CNBC Monday as his latest documentary, "Capitalism: A Love Story," will be released nationwide on Friday.

"This movie is about the legalization of greed, and we call it capitalism these days," Moore told CNBC. "It's a system that encourages people to make as much money as they can, any way they can, and never ask some basic questions."

Moore said he's tired of the centuries-old capitalism versus socialism debate, and that the country needs to be smart enough to develop its own economic order.

"This simply is no longer a democracy when you are allowing the richest 1 percent to call all the shots," he said. "There should be a very strong safety net so that no one does fall between the cracks," he said.

Moore said he keeps the millions of dollars he has made from his films in savings accounts and savings bonds and that he doesn't own a single share of stock.

"As I come from the working class — I have a high school education —I don't invest my money in something I don't understand," he said.