Inside Mind of Google

Quiz: Test Your Google IQ

Question 4 of 10

Which religious figure received his own channel after Google bought the video website YouTube?

  1. Bishop Thomas Muthee
  2. Pat Robertson
  3. Pope Benedict XVI
  4. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach

After Google bought YouTube in November 2006, they entered into an agreement with the Pontifical Council for Social Communications to broadcast addresses to the faithful from Pope Benedict. This partnership put YouTube --- and, by extension, Google --- in front of the eyes of millions of Catholics the world over, so it seemed like a good deal for everybody. Well, almost everybody. Domenico Pompili, a representative of Italy's bishops, expressed unease about the partnership and its implications for the world's Catholics, saying that "the relationship with the Web has grown, but the question remains of how must we behave."

SOURCE: Pope Benedict Debuts on YouTube to Reach Out to Catholics |