You Tell Me: What's the Overlooked Auto Story of 2009

On a regular basis, I get e-mails from people saying we spend too much time focused on GM surviving, Ford being on a roll, or the development of electric cars.

Car on road
Car on road

These e-mails often include comments that I'm missing the "real" story.

Aside from making me chuckle at the suggestion of one story being legitimate while the other is not, I love getting these e-mails.

So this is your chance. Tell me the one auto story you feel was most overlooked in 20009?

- Was it the quiet, but very important race to build an entry-level car to compete with Tata's $2,500 Nano?

- Was it the fact Nissan has slowly getting its mojo back?

- Was it the return of leasing?

You tell me.

Send your 2009 overlooked auto stories to me. As we head into the New Year we'll feature some of your suggestions.


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Questions? Comments?