Flesh-Eating Vultures Descend on Luxury Condo Building

Vulture funds have been a key player in the financial crisis but one luxury condo building in downtown Orlando is being taken over by ACTUAL vultures.

Vultures on a 55 West balcony
Source: WKMG-TV
Vultures on a 55 West balcony

You know, the big, grim-reaper looking birds that prey on sick or weak animals.

The building, at 55 West Church Street is mostly vacant, according to ClickOrlando.com. And, like their financial counterparts that prey on distressed assets — these feathery predators have swooped in to take over this distressed piece of Florida real estate.

Interior of 55 West Apartments in Orlando, Florida
Source: rent55w.com
Interior of 55 West Apartments in Orlando, Florida

And you thought all you had to worry about being eaten by in Florida was alligators!

A 28-photo slideshowon the Web site shows dozens of the massive birds — which can have wingspans up to five feet — lounging on the roof, balconies and ledges, a stark contrast to the ultra-modern, palm-tree-lined pool photos on the realtor’s Web site.

Vultures circling the SunTrust Center.
© MDG Graphix
Vultures circling the SunTrust Center.

The birds are, apparently, also a problem at the nearby SunTrust Bank.


See a larger photo from our friends at MDG Graphix.

A downtown courthouse apparently had a similar attack of the birds a few years ago but paid a large sum of money to electrify the ledges. But with a mostly vacant condo building in Florida, that isn’t likely to happen anytime soon here.

It’s “kind of creepy— kind of like a Stephen King movie,” one woman being interviewed by the local CBS affiliate, WKMG Channel 6, said, adding: “Maybe somebody should go on the roof and see what’s up there!”

Probably just the carcass of luxury but, you know, it never hurts to check.

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