TV Of The Future Is Here

Google TV is trying to sell the idea of television integrated seamlessly with the web.

It's about time.

Check out this hilarious story by NBC News from the '80s.

The "A-News feed" used to be a feed to local affiliates around the country sending stories they might want to use in their local newscasts. As a cub reporter in the '80s at KOB-TV, the NBC affiliate in Albuquerque, I always tried to make some extra cash selling stories to the A-News feed. They'd usually bite if my stories included cows. Cows played very big with affiliates.

Twins | Getty Images

The story posted here on Youtube is titled "Telefuture", short for, yes, television of the future.

Where do I begin?

Perhaps with the "incredibly complex games now", or the precursor to today's ever-present news crawl, or yet another early obituary given for the newspaper business. Is that a Cheech & Chong VHS tape for sale in the electronics store? The Hoff whose face is covered by text? The clothes! The hair! The home decor!

Don't miss the promo at the end, as ALF tells local affiliates to promote "Homecoming week" for the new season. They don't make 'em like that anymore...

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